Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blood Warmer Machine

About Blood Warmer Machine

Blood Warmer Machine

Science and technology today are developing rapidly. This development spurred developments in electronic science which is used in the health sector, especially in medical equipment. With the increasing development of medical equipment technology, it is hoped that it will increase the optimal level of health as a manifestation of national goals for the general welfare.

With this premise, experts continue to create sophisticated equipment in the medical field to provide convenience for medical personnel in carrying out their work so that effective and efficient medical equipment is produced. In addition, it can be seen in terms of safety for users and patients against medical equipment.

One of the supporting tools in the field of medical equipment is a Blood Warmer Machine, which is used during the blood transfusion process. The purpose of using this tool is that the blood given to the patient is expected to be in accordance with the normal human body temperature of 37 degrees C.

Blood Warmer Machine serves to warm the blood that will be inserted into the body with a blood transfusion process with a normal human body temperature of 35 to 37 degrees C. In this device, the blood will be heated through a transfusion tube so that the temperature returns to normal 35 to 37 degrees C because previously the blood bag was stored at the blood bag refrigerator or called Blood Bank. The purpose of this tool is so that patients do not wait too long for a transfusion so that it can shorten the time and also to avoid blood clots due to blood bags that were previously stored in the Blood Bank.

Explanation About Blood

Blood is a mixture of fluid, cells, and particles that resemble cells, which flow in arteries, capillaries as well as veins that deliver oxygen and substances nutrients into the tissues and carry carbon dioxide and other waste products with them. Human blood is a body tissue fluid. Its main function is to transport oxygen needed by cells throughout the body. Blood delivers body tissues with nutrients, and transports metabolic wastes, and Blood also contains various components of the immune system that aim to defend the body from various diseases. 

In human blood there are 3 main cell components, namely:

  1. Red blood cells (erythrocytes) are the most numerous cells when compared to the other two cells, Under normal circumstances, they can account for almost half of the blood volume. Cell Red blood contains hemoglobin, which makes blood cells Red is able to carry oxygen from the lungs and deliver it throughout body tissue.
  2. White blood cells (leukocytes) The number of cells is less, with a ratio of about 1 white blood cell for every 660 red blood cells.
  3. Platelets (platelets) Acts as part of the blood protection mechanism to be able to stop bleeding. Platelets help close blood vessels and help facilitate blood clotting in the affected area bleeding.

Blood Transfusion

Before performing a blood transfusion, we must know the blood type of the recipient and the donor so that there is no error in determining the type of red blood given. Complications that can arise from blood transfusions are referred to as transfusion reactions (blood incompatibility during transfusion).  

In general, complications of this transfusion are divided into:
  1. Immunological reactions
  2. Non-immunological reactions
  3. Complications related to blood transfusion

In blood transfusions here are used to:
  1. Improve oxygen-carrying capacity
  2. Maintain a normal blood volume in the circulatory system
The patient often begins to lose consciousness, the skin looks blue, breathes, and weak pulse.

Risk of death (body temperature continues to drop from 28 degrees C to 25 degrees C) The patient is unconscious and cardiac arrest occurs. Death can happen before the temperature reaches 25 degrees C.

Warm Up the Blood Temperature

Preventive measures against the occurrence of hypothermia are blood must be warmed before giving it to the patient. 

Blood heating is done because the blood that will be transfused before placed in a cold place to maintain the freshness of the blood, then when the blood to be transfused, the blood must be in accordance with the blood temperature of the person being transfused will receive a transfusion.

Explanation about Blood Warmer Machine

The blood warmer machine is one of the medical devices that function to warm the blood according to the patient's body temperature. The normal body temperature human is 37 degrees C. Blood bags prior to use will be stored in the blood bank with a temperature of 4 degrees to 6 degrees C. If blood is transfused into the body Patients who have a temperature lower than the patient's body temperature will One of the causes is hypothermia. The resulting blood heating by the heating element will be attached to the blood tube to be transfused the patient can be maintained in a state of heat from heating the blood. 

Blood Warmer Machine uses a heating element that is controlled by a microcontroller so that the temperature remains stable. The heater will work when the temperature sensor is less than the predetermined temperature setting and vice versa if the temperature sensor is higher than the temperature setting, the heater will automatically stop. Below is wrong an example of the blood warmer machine.