Sunday, August 29, 2021

Humidifier for Ventilator Machine and Respiratory System

Humidifier for Ventilator Machine

The humidifier machine is a device that functions to warm and humidify the air provided by the ventilator machine to the patient by adjusting the temperature of the distilled water in the humidifier chamber. The warm and moist feeling provided by the gas being passed through the warm water and the temperature of the gas being transmitted to the center of the breath can be maintained by the hot state of the water.

Humidifier Machine Overview

Humidifier for Ventilator Machine

The humidifier is a device that functions to warm, provide a sense of warmth, and provide moisture to the gas released for the needs of patients who require a ventilation machine or positive breathing pressure assistance through the endotracheal channel or facemask.

Block of Humidifier Air Circulation

Block of Humidifier Air Circulation
Block Explanation: The process of giving gas (oxygen) to the patient through a ventilator and humidifier, first of all, oxygen (O2) is filtered on the ventilator, then the temperature or humidity that will be given to the patient is set in advance on the humidifier (37°C). Then the patient inhales oxygen (O2) and exhales carbon dioxide (H2O), which will be exhaled into the ventilator through a hose (breathing circuit).

Human Respiratory System 

Human Respiratory System

The human lungs function to carry a number of gases from the atmosphere into the blood with the circulatory system, so that the blood can carry the necessary acids for all parts of the body and carry carbon dioxide from all parts of the body to help heat exchange from the body and expel a certain amount of water vapor. and regulate the acidity of the blood and body fluids by regulating the release of acid substances. The process of gas exchange in the lungs occurs through the process of diffusion of O2 from the alveolar air into the pulmonary capillary blood and CO2 from the capillary blood to the alveolar air. 

Air enters the lungs through the upper airway, nose, and mouth and then into the throat (Pharynx), larynx, and trachea (Air Pipe). This pathway is lined by an epithelium (skin) which contains cells that produce mucus as a blanket and a layer of fur (cilia) or hair-like structures. Beneath the epithelial layer is numerous small blood vessels. 

The function of respiration is to provide acids for the various organs of the body, where processing (metabolism) takes place, to remove acids (CO2) from these places. 

The respiratory system is a very vital system of the human body. Through this system, humans maintain the exchange of gases in the body and their environment. In a resting state, humans inhale and exhale between ten and fifteen times every minute, after doing physical exercise, this number will increase ten to fifteen times every minute, this is to increase the supply of acid (oxygen).

The function of the upper respiratory system is as a filter (filter), cleaner (cleaner), and changes the condition of the inhaled air, capturing and absorbing useless particles. The mechanism of coughing and sneezing by expelling air can help the process of removing substances or objects that are not useful.

The respiratory system also regulates the humidity of the cold air that is inhaled with the help of existing blood vessels, which is useful for preventing the dryness of the membranes in the inner lungs. 

In the chest cavity (thorax) against the trachea (air pupae) called the left and right bronchi. The trachea is a cylindrical tube with a length of approximately 1 centimeter. The bronchus is a branch of the right and left trachea, where this branching is called the carina. The right bronchus is shorter and closer to the trachea than the left bronchus. Bronchus will end in a bag called the alveoli, in this bag gas exchange will occur. In the human lung, there are approximately three hundred million alveoli measuring between two hundred and five hundred microns. Each alveolus has very thin alveolar walls in a network of interconnected capillaries so that the alveolar gases are in close proximity to the pulmonary capillary blood. Each has contact with blood vessels for gas exchange between air and blood.