Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Definition and Types of Function Generators

Definition and Types of Function Generators

Definition and Types of Function Generators – A function generator, also known as a waveform generator, is a piece of electrical test equipment that can create a variety of waveforms. The Function Generator can create sine waveforms, square waveforms, sawtooth waveforms, Triangular waveforms, and pulse waveforms. This function differs somewhat from the RF Signal Generator or Audio Signal Generator, which typically simply generates a sine waveform.

Depending on the manufacturer's design, a function generator can generate frequencies of up to 20MHz. The resultant frequency may be changed to meet our requirements. Aside from the frequency, we may also change the waveform, DC offset, and duty cycle. As previously stated, DC Offset is used to alter the average voltage of a signal in relation to 0V or Ground. Whereas the duty cycle refers to the time between when the signal reaches the ON condition and when it reaches the OFF condition in one signal period. In other words, the Duty Cycle is the ratio of the length of time a signal is in the ON and OFF states during each period. The duty cycle adjustment function in a square wave signal is used to shift the ratio of the highest voltage to the lowest value.

Types of Function Generators

There are various varieties of Function Generators on the market, each with different performance and price. The sorts of Function Generators or Function Generators in question are as follows.

  • Sweep Function Generator - This form of function generator may Sweep on its Frequency. This Sweep Function Generator, in general, employs Digital Technology. The sweep ability on this sort of Function Generator may reach 100:1 or even higher depend on the generator type.

  • Analogue Function Generator - This was the first form of function generator invented in the 1950s. At the time, digital technology was only in its early stages. Despite the fact that it still employs Analog Technology, this sort of Function Generator has various advantages, including a lower price and an easier and simpler manner of utilizing it.
  • Digital Function Generator - As the name implies, this sort of Function Generator generates its waveform using Digital Technology. There are various approaches for generating waveforms, but the Direct Digital Synthesis technique, or DDS for short, is the most often employed. Because the timing system circuit (clock) is controlled by the Crystal, this Digital Function Generator can generate waveforms with excellent precision and stability (Crystal). The Digital Function Generator may also provide excellent spectral purity and minimal phase noise. With some of the benefits that Digital Function Generators provide, the price of Digital Function Generators rises and operation becomes more complex when compared to Analog Function Generators.


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